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Rewrite Your Story

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If you don't like something, change it. Simple as that. No, seriously. Sometimes it may not seem so easy, but it all comes down to the choices we make and the motivation to change things. You can do anything you want. No matter what happened in your past. No matter what you've done. None of it matters. You can start over, make a change and rewrite your story. 

I'm super excited about the changes I'm making in my life personally (more to come on that later, promise). I'm happier, starting to feel more confident, definitely more successful and I'm making smaller changes here and there to make myself a better and smarter person.

I'm rewriting my story.

Happy Wednesday, friends! :) 


  1. it is hard though sometimes when you try and change things and the change doesn't come easy or fast cant wait to hear about the personal life changes you are making alisha! hope you are doing great. xoxo

  2. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog! Keep up the great work ♡

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  3. I'm dying to hear about your changes! I am SO glad that they are making you happier :)


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