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Because I don't Have Children

I write posts like this….

Happy Birthday Astro!!

Through thick and thin you've always been the one I could come home to and cry my heart out to. You rode shotgun on all our road trips and never told me to shut up when I couldn't shut up about a new love. You always loved to cuddle, especially right next to my neck. I swear you're a real person because you always wanted your head on a pillow. 

I love you sweet boy. Though I may have children one day, you'll always be my FIRST sweet baby boy. I love you Rrraastro! 

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  1. AHHHH!!!!
    omg this is SO not helping my obsession with getting a puppy (which i totally don't have time for yet... just two more years I tell myself).
    Happy birthday astro! (and i have to ask... is the rrrastro thing a reference to the jetsons? my family rented a chevy astro on vacation once and we all called it the rrastro for that reason).


  2. Oh my gosh, he is SO cute! I have a pit mix too :) Happy birthday, Astro!

    The Tiny Heart

  3. He is so cute! Happy Birthday Astro! <3

  4. Awwww... happy birthday, Astro! What a loving mother you have. :)

    My husband and I have been talking more about getting a dog... maybe one of these days, and then I can write posts like this too. hehe

  5. Yay for puppy posts! What a sweet dog! Happy birthday, Astro!

  6. Your pup is gorgeous...that coat! It looks so soft and smooth! Happy Birthday, Astro! :)

  7. What a cutie! You're not alone. I don't have kids yet, either, and I am all about celebrating our furry family members.


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