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Sponsor Highlight: Megan of Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson

Good Wednesday morning to ya {or afternoon or evening depending on where you are on the globe}! Boy do I have a treat for you today. I have a very special and very dear blog friend posting for me today. This girl, if you don't know, is one of the coolest, hippest, straight-up fashionista moms out there. If only I could look half as good as she does after popping out a kid. Man, I'd kill for her waistline, and her legs, and her arms, and… Ooops, getting a little creepy there. Wow, that's embarrassing. 

Moving on. 

Commencing guest post, now. Enjoy.

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Hello all of Alisha's fans!! I am so honored to be guest posting on Alisha's blog today! She is AMAZING and has become one of my blogging besties. I can honestly tell you that she is as nice and genuine as she seems in her posts and you honestly can't find a better friend than her!
My name is Megan Robinson and I blog over at Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson. I like to talk about marriage, family, motherhood, fashion, and all the ups and downs of life.

When I first found Alisha's blog she was in the middle of doing the 30x30 challenge with her clothes. I was really interested in what she was doing and thought it was cool to see her mix and match her outfits. But I never thought I'd be able to do the same thing nor did I think I could pull of any cute fashions.
You see, I had just had a baby and was going to school so I basically felt incredibly frumpy all.the.time. At the time, I felt pretty horrible about myself and was really just trying to get by each day.
I just didn't feel like myself at all and didn't really know how to get back to being the girl I once knew.
A little while later I pretty much hit rock bottom and knew things needed to change. But what?? I decided the first thing that needed to get fixed was how I dressed. I needed to become me again.


So I started making a more conscious effort to put myself together each day. I started mixing and matching more, digging into my piles of accessories, taking tips from fashion bloggers {like Alisha}, and really try to get back to that "crazy, eclectic" Megan-style my friends remembered me by.
I soon remembered the 30x30 challenge and decided to take it on for myself, hoping it would help motivate me even more to {not only save money} but to also push my style limits a little more and see if I can have more fun with my wardrobe instead of feeling like a super frumpy mom.
Well, it worked!

I know the 30x30 challenge was meant to teach people to save money and shop their closet more, but for me it was so much more than that!


My own 30x30 {under $30 element I added} challenge helped me remember who I was. It helped me like myself again. And it reminded me that you can be a mom and have fun!!

I know that seems silly... How can mixing and matching clothes really make you feel better? But I firmly believe that when you take care of yourself more on the outside, it helps you feel better about yourself on the inside.
And for me, that truly made all the difference!

Thank you again, Alisha, for letting me post today!
And thank you even more for inspiring me with your own 30x30 challenge!! I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me!
