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So many things flood my mind when I think of the word home. Home is where the heart is (great movie by the way). Home is more than places and people. Home is all of it combined. Home is the place where I grew up, the place where memories were made, the place where my brother and I argued night after night, the place where first birthdays were photographed and so much more. 

My home would not be what it is today without the two people who built a house and made it a home. These two beautiful souls gave me life, provided for me and loved me unconditionally. My parents make up my home and what it still is today. Although all three of their children have grown up and moved away, we somehow still find our way back home. Home is definitely with them. 

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  1. this is so sweet! I'm all about the home too ;)

  2. That is the most sweetest way that will surely bring a smile to a parent's heart-children being grateful to every love and care that they have from their parents.

    Now I know Alisha where you got that pretty smiling face :)

    Love those sweet pix..

  3. really beautiful post Alisha. Thanks so much for being part of it with me:) I loved seeing your family. You look so much like your mom! You are so right that parents build so much of the life we know now. How lucky we are to have good ones:)
    Have a great day!

  4. really beautiful post Alisha. Thanks so much for being part of it with me:) I loved seeing your family. You look so much like your mom! You are so right that parents build so much of the life we know now. How lucky we are to have good ones:)
    Have a great day!

  5. Aww what a sweet and beautiful post! Love it!

    A Little Bit of This & That

  6. such a beautiful post. and your pictures are amazing... my sis and I are doing a fashion week and you are always dressed so fabulous. we'd love for you to come teach us all how to be as cool as you ;) let us know if you're interested..


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