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A Little Inspiration For Your Day... Be Yourself

Today's post is one, I'm sure, we can all relate to. We've all been there at some point in our lives. That place where you feel you're not yourself. Where you feel you've lost the real you. Where others around you start noticing you're not the same person you used to be.

That change may be the result of a relationship, friendship, or some times, family pushing you to be something you're not. But, it's when you realize, whether its months or years later, that finally being able to stand up for yourself and actually take charge of your own life, that's when you truly find happiness!! :)

God made us all unique.

We are each different in our own way, and if we can't be who God intended for us to be, then what are we doing? Who are we? We need to stop limiting ourselves by other people's standards and be ourselves. Submitting to someone's opinion of 'who we should be' is giving up the power we have as individuals.

(My encouraging and inspirational voice) Be yourself. :) Being yourself is celebrating you! Don't hide who you are or change things about you to fit in. Be yourself!!

Now, go and have a wonderful day! ;)


  1. LOVE this! Something we all need to be reminded of often <3

  2. I just cried a little reading this, girl. I was having an awful week until now and this is just what I needed. Even if it means sitting in Noodles and Co with tears running down my face :) Wish we lived closer so we could meet because I could use more of your wisdom more often. Thank you. xoxo

  3. "We need to stop limiting ourselves by other people's standards and be ourselves." This is so true and I honestly couldn't agree more with this whole post. There are times when all of us take a moment and think about why we are they way we are. I think you should make a habit of writing weekly inspiration for us 'followers!'

  4. I really love this post! I think that someone feel so much pressure to be someone they aren't. It's happened to me before, and I know now I would much rather be myself more than anything.

    P.S. I love that the picture you have up has scrabble pieces in it! That is adorable!

  5. love this! such a great post!

  6. Beautiful post, Alisha! You always make me smile!

  7. Beautiful post, darling. Thank you for the inspiration! I'm needing it through the end of my quarter!!

  8. i am a new follower and i must say i really like your posts especially this one. it is really inspiring. thank you!

  9. Love this message! Interesting when you find yourself trying to impress or be a certain way to fit in, you actually end up being more miserable than you were before. The great thing is we don't have to try... we just need to be ourselves! (:

    Hopefully next time I'm in Austin we can meet.


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